


FDNY Battalion Chief Daniel Sheridan shares the unforgettable close calls that have given him pause
The stabbing death of Capt. Alison Russo-Elling brings up new fears for providers in the field and raises old questions regarding personal safety
The dangers to EMTs/medics are less well known to the general public than firefighting, even at times to the agencies where they work
The museum is honoring the anniversary of Sept. 11 with a new exhibit, 鈥淩ecovery and Reflection, Celebrating the 9/11 Tribute鈥
The addition of 43 fire and EMS members who died of illnesses related to Sept. 11 attacks nears the number killed in the collapses
Retired FDNY Firefighter Lee Ielpi鈥檚 mission to collect and share WTC steel focuses on remembrance and education
Peter Zisopoulos repeatedly stabbed Lt. Alison Russo-Elling as she walked from her station to a deli
Carla Murphy鈥檚 attorney said her safety concerns with the CAD system led to a dispute with Deputy Commissioner Augier and Commissioner Kavanagh
One person died from their injuries after they fell from the sixth-floor of the burning Brooklyn apartment building
EMS union president Oren Barzilay said the open mic incidents are unprofessional but may also be indicative of workplace stress
Luis Carrillo Jr. faces up to four years in prison after being caught taking an investigator鈥檚 wallet while inside an ambulance
Approximately 100 riders were on the train when it derailed near the Jamaica, Queens station
A stolen vehicle went onto a sidewalk near Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan before driving the wrong way and striking another vehicle
12 people were injured including four firefighters in the Manhattan collapse
Four civilians and two firefighters were injured during the collapse of the crane in Manhattan
The Uniformed EMS Officers Union says the 鈥淪upervising Emergency Medical Service Specialist鈥 position carries lieutenant responsibilities with less pay
FDNY EMTs Kyle Barbaria and Carmen Ruiz made their way to the top floor and two trapped workers
Gas buildup caused a blast when a padlock was cut at the former Sony Tower in Manhattan, seriously injured two workers
Ladders and ropes were used to remove some passengers in the Manhattan bus collision
EMS union president asked if the city government values speedy delivery of bagels over EMS saving lives
A Staten Island University Hospital spokesperson stated the overnight service was 鈥済rossly underutilized鈥 and was a supplement to FDNY EMS
Mayor Adams鈥檚 plan gives app-based delivery workers $19.96 an hour, $1.02 more than an EMT鈥檚 starting pay
Firefighter Sylus McKenzie was arraigned on two counts of grand larceny, identity theft, criminal impersonation and official misconduct
Fallen EMT Yadira Arroyo鈥檚 brother, EMT Joel Rosado, was amongst those honored with an award in her name
EMS Captain Edgar Baez and Lieutenant Alison Russo used to respond to calls together in the Bronx decades ago
Days before starting firefighter training EMT Arnaldo Rodriguez was brought before Chief Michael Gala and ordered to stay home
Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said the World Trade Center Health Program 鈥渋s facing massive cuts in just a few years.鈥
NYC celebrates the life-saving efforts of paramedics and EMTs
The film calls attention to the stress and traumatic scenes the emergency responder community faces
Chief of Safety Frank Leeb says the decision to move his team out of the Fort Totten building delayed the internal investigation into Capt. Alison Russo鈥檚 death
鈥淚t is a relief to finally have justice,鈥 said Oren Barzilay, president of FDNY EMS Local 2507
EMS providers transported several victims; FDNY firefighters searched the site with a robot dog and drones and used a tower ladder to remove a man from the roof
The FDNY veteran also volunteered with the Huntington Community First Aid Squad on Long Island, where her namesake street is