

Reel Emergency Vodcast

Join Drs. Peter Antevy, Mark Piehl and David Spiro as they present Reel Emergency, an interactive vodcast discussing the latest data and best practices in emergency and critical care medicine. Cases are illustrated by actual patient video. These three leaders in the pediatric field will use their experience to cover the spectrum of care from out-of-hospital, to the ED to the ICU.

This podcast is produced in partnership with Handtevy, Reel Dx and 410 Medical, and is powered by Prodigy EMS. Earn CAPCE credit on Prodigy EMS at . For information on partners, visit , and .

Video: Watch all of the elements of the chain of survival come together
Video: Watch as a police officer manages the first critical minutes of a stabbing
Watch as EMS clinicians respond to an allergic reaction at, of all places, an allergy clinic
Managing unusual abdominal injuries, including intussusception, Hirschsprung disease and appendicitis
Check out this incredible footage from video laryngoscopes that captured burned and swollen airways during intubation
Establishing a definitive airway and administering blood products
Drs. Antevy, Piehl and Spiro review video of intubation and an external ventricular drain
Where EMS intersects with palliative care and hospice
Drs. Antevy, Piehl, Spiro, Scheppke, Bernstein and Kupas discuss ketamine and other sedatives, and how to minimize risk when administering
Drs. Antevy, Piehl and Spiro on trauma intubation, simple thoracostomy training and evidence-based medicine