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Nathan Harig, MA

Nathan Harig is assistant chief of administration at Cumberland Goodwill Emergency Medical Services in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. A member of the 2019 Citizen CPR Foundation’s 40 Under 40 class, Nathan has focused on ways to improve resuscitation outcomes through community engagement, prehospital quality improvement and innovative training opportunities for staff. Nathan completed his BA in Political Science at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa.; his MA in TransAtlantic Studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland; and regularly serves as a subject matter expert for health and safety topics for a variety of different news organizations. He has programmed apps to help Pennsylvania protocol compliance and serves on boards to advance EMS at the state, regional and local levels.

With a rising percentage of the workforce working a side gig or as a freelancer, services will need to adapt to recruit generations satisfied by being their own boss
An EMS agency, facing an applicant shortage, surveyed EMS providers to see if employee-employer compensation expectations matched