

Body cam video shows EMT punching restrained teen patient

EMT Deannah Williams can be seen screaming expletives and repeatedly punching the 17-year-old patient in the face

By SA国际传媒 Staff

DUNWOODY, Ga. 鈥 An EMT was arrested after a police officer鈥檚鈥 body camera filmed her punching a teen patient in the back of an ambulance.

reported that AMR EMT Deannah Williams can be seen screaming expletives and repeatedly punching the 17-year-old male patient in the face.

The teen was handcuffed and restrained at the ankles on a stretcher as the assault occurred.

Officer Kevin Lopez can be seen going to the back of the ambulance after hearing yelling and screaming to help restrain Williams.

鈥淭hat is a kid, that is a child, a 17-year-old child,鈥 Lopez said to Williams in the video.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 care,鈥 Williams said. 鈥淗e spit on me.鈥

鈥淭his is your job. You do this for a living,鈥 Lopez said. 鈥淚f you don鈥檛 like people spitting on you then quit.鈥

AMR issued a statement after the incident, saying Williams was no longer an AMR employee.

鈥淲e were notified Saturday evening that an employee was arrested for an alleged assault in an incident related to a call for service,鈥 AMR said in a statement. 鈥淲e are not able to comment on the ongoing investigation and defer to the police department for specifics related to the incident. We take this matter very seriously. The individual is no longer an employee with American Medical Response. The safety of patients in our care is of the utmost importance to us and we have hundreds of employees in the area who care for hundreds of patients in DeKalb County each day. Our paramedics have tremendous pride in what we do, and we are honored to have the responsibility to provide care for residents.鈥