

Jerry Brant

Getting Grants

Jerry Brant is a senior grant consultant and grant writer with and He has 46 years of experience as a volunteer firefighter in west-central Pennsylvania. He is a life member of the Hope Fire Company of Northern Cambria, where he served as chief for 15 years. He is an active member of the Patton Fire Company 1 and serves as safety officer. Brant graduated from Saint Francis University with a bachelor’s degree in political science. In 2003, he was awarded a James A Johnson Fellowship by the FannieMae Foundation for his accomplishments in community development, and in 2019, he was honored as with the Leroy C Focht Sr. Memorial Award from the Central District Volunteer Fireman’s Association. He has successfully written more than $70 million in grant applications. Brant can be reached via email.

Detailing changes to equipment and PPE priority lists
Detailing the data collection and technical assistance tool that recipients of federal funding from DHS are now required to complete
Eligible regional activities under AFG are Vehicle Acquisition, Training, Equipment, Wellness and Fitness, and PPE activities
Looking to history – and a friendship between key players – to determine if increased funding opportunities are on the horizon
Volunteer and combination departments have a second opportunity to secure COVID-19 PPE-related funding
Fire departments, NAEMS organizations and state fire academies can apply for PPE and other COVID-19 supplies