

Patrick Lickiss

Sticking to the basics

An EMS practitioner for nearly 15 years, Patrick Lickiss is currently located in Grand Rapids, MI. He is interested in education and research and hopes to further the expansion of evidence-based practice in EMS. He is also an avid homebrewer and runner.

You are dispatched to a report of a female patient at the gym complaining of abdominal pain
You are on scene with a patient who was found down in his living room; as you progress beyond the initial assessment, what are some typical assessment pitfalls to avoid?
You are dispatched to a report of an elderly male found down on the floor
You are dispatched to a report of an elderly female experiencing weakness
You are on scene with a patient who was found lying on the sidewalk with an altered level of consciousness; how can you obtain a history for a patient who cannot provide it himself?
You are dispatched to a report of a male found down on the sidewalk in a suburban neighborhood
You are on scene with a patient who has sustained a significant injury; how do you decide whether to use red lights and sirens?
You are dispatched to a factory for a report of a man with his arm caught in a hydraulic press
You are on scene with a patient who was choking on food; is your primary assessment as efficient as possible?
You are dispatched to a restaurant for a report of a man choking