Editor’s Note: Now playing on SAʴý – “One for the Road,” featuring Steve Whitehead and sponsored by . Whether it’s street-smart tips on what to carry in your cargo pocket, or what to do when you make a mistake in the field, bookmark the series today for a great way to brush up on the essentials all medics need to know twice a month.
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“Take me to my doctor’s office.” “Get out of my house!” “Make all these cops go away.” “I want my mom!”
Sometimes, patients have impossible requests. Steve Whitehead will tell you how to respond to impossible requests on this episode of One for the Road!
| Watch next: One for the Road: Patient rapport
One for the Road is sponsored by . A 35-year player in the industry, Hartwell Medical’s field-tested EMS product line includes vacuum splinting, airway management and immobilization devices designed to meet the latest spinal motion restriction protocols.