
John Erich

John Erich

John Erich is a career writer and editor with more than two decades of experience in emergency services media, currently serving as a project lead for branded content with Lexipol Media Group.

Its maker knows all about demanding outdoor applications – and now it has a product for EMS
The carrier’s powerful 5G performance makes it a strong choice for the emergency services
Our smallest critically ill patients deserve a solution that’s dedicated, not improvised
The small, lightweight Avive Connect AED is part of a new approach to improving cardiac arrest survival
Once you’ve determined what it will do, you face some more practical questions
It’s not as hard to get started as you might think – follow these initial steps
The qualities EMTs and paramedics need for success on the job translate well to the branch’s HS role
Meet the founders of Avive, who have a novel idea for getting defibrillation to victims faster
Suited for providers’ personal devices, ZOLL emsCharts NOW is streamlined for contemporaneous use even when there’s no connection
This new solution helps keep EMS providers’ sickest patients protected in transit