

Airway management: Improving first-pass intubation success (eBook)

In this eBook, learn about optimal patient positioning, securing an airway with facial trauma involvement and the benefits of the bougie in airway management


Making use of all available intubation equipment and techniques helps ensure success on the very first intubation attempt to minimize the interruption of oxygenation and ventilation necessary to place an advanced airway.

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In this ebook, learn more about optimum patient positioning for vocal cord visualization, how to secure a difficult airway with facial trauma involvement, and what research tells us about the benefits of the bougie in airway management.

Included in this eBook:

  • 5 tips for securing a trauma patient鈥檚 airway
  • Improve endotracheal intubation with first and TEN approach
  • Research analysis: Airway management better with the bougie

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