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Paramedics in paradise: Florida agency has much to offer prospective workers

A hefty relocation bonus and other perks are helping lure new talent

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With its lengthy history of awards, prestigious accreditations and other plaudits, Sunstar is a desirable landing place for ambitious providers.

Sunstar Paramedics

Widespread shortages of EMS providers have created many new opportunities for those willing to move. One of the top agencies in sun-soaked Florida is offering even more reason to consider signing on.

鈥淧rehospital clinicians with a national certification often take pride in being able to work anywhere,鈥 noted Josh Harrington, CCP, BS, a critical care paramedic with in Pinellas County, Florida. 鈥淏ut truthfully, it鈥檚 scary to leave what you know and start over in a new area.鈥

With its , and other plaudits, Sunstar is a desirable landing place for ambitious providers. And for Harrington, a recent arrival from out of state, a generous relocation and sign-on bonus helped ease the transition.

Sunstar now offers a $30,000 relocation bonus for paramedics who join up from out of Florida and a $2,000 relocation bonus for those who live in Florida more than 50 miles from the company鈥檚 headquarters.

It also offers a welcoming and professional environment that allows young EMS talent to flourish.

鈥淲hile I was still nervous, Sunstar offered a helping hand at every turn to make sure I was welcomed into the Pinellas County EMS system,鈥 said Harrington, who has been with Sunstar for about a year, with almost eight years overall in firefighting and EMS. 鈥淚 have already been given the opportunity to join the critical care team as a critical care paramedic, and there are several other pathways and opportunities for special operations and promotions if you want to broaden your scope as a clinician.鈥

Located on Florida鈥檚 west-central coast, Pinellas County鈥檚 population as of the 2020 U.S. census was 959,107. It is the state鈥檚 seventh-most populous county and most densely populated, with around 3,500 residents per square mile. Florida鈥檚 recent population boom has had a major impact in the county.

鈥淥ur call volume has gone up exponentially,鈥 said Malachi White, recruiting director, adding the company runs about 700 calls daily, with 600 transports.

鈥淭hat鈥檚 very stressful on our system and the demand as far as recruitment,鈥 he added. 鈥淎lthough there are more people who have moved to this area, it doesn鈥檛 necessarily mean we鈥檝e filled all our positions. With the national paramedic shortage, we鈥檙e still struggling to get the paramedics we need to do business every day.鈥

The bonuses are designed to help, and the company offers good pay. White says at $24.04 an hour, he believes Sunstar Paramedics pays more than any other private ambulance company in Florida. In October, there will be $2 pay raises, bringing the rate to more than $26.

Applicants must be nationally registered paramedics to apply and must have their Florida paramedic license before they can start.

Soft skills Sunstar looks for in candidates include 鈥渁 dependable employee who understands what it means to serve the community,鈥 said White. 鈥淓mployees that lead with empathy make a difference in our patients鈥 lives. We need people who have good value systems, understand our mission, vision and values, and can adhere to them and really focus on safety.鈥

While housing costs may be rising, Florida has no state income tax, and there are very few toll roads in the region, White notes.

Plus 鈥 there鈥檚 that Florida weather. 鈥淭here鈥檚 a lot to do, especially if someone is into outdoor activities,鈥 White said.

To give employees the tools they need to be successful, the company trains them in and understanding how the system works. A new paramedic will go through 65 to 75 days of training and about 20 ride-alongs.

鈥淲e鈥檙e transparent about the protocols so people can see what medications, processes and procedures we use,鈥 said White. 鈥淲e want everyone to have all the information when they鈥檙e making a decision versus getting here and finding out we鈥檙e more progressive than they鈥檙e used to.鈥

Sunstar Paramedics is one of the few EMS programs in the country to receive triple accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS), Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS), and as an Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) by the National/International Academies of Emergency Dispatch.

Though the state鈥檚 demographics are changing, Florida has long been known for its elderly population. Many of Sunstar鈥檚 calls 鈥 e.g., stroke and heart attack responses 鈥 reflect that. But medics won鈥檛 be limited in the types of calls they鈥檒l be getting.

鈥淎 lot of private ambulance companies, especially in Florida, do a lot of interfacility transfers and BLS calls, and the fire departments transport the ALS and emergency calls,鈥 said White. 鈥淲e are a public utility model. We do 100% of the transports in Pinellas County 鈥 911, BLS, mental health, critical care. Basically, anytime a patient is moving, they鈥檙e moving in a Sunstar ambulance.鈥

Sunstar Paramedics also has dedicated vehicle supply technicians, 鈥渟o when a crew comes off their shifts, they don鈥檛 have to restock and wash their ambulance, which is pretty much the norm in EMS,鈥 White said. 鈥淲hen you leave your shift at Sunstar, you grab your bag, turn your stuff in, and someone else will take care of your ambulance and get it ready for the next crew. It鈥檚 a great perk for the employees here.鈥

Additionally, the ambulances are outfitted with Stryker Power-LOAD stretchers.

鈥淚t does the heavy lifting for you,鈥 White said. 鈥淗aving our 95 ambulances outfitted with Stryker Power-LOAD speaks to the commitment the company has to taking care of its employees, boosting morale, and it also helps with worker鈥檚 compensation by decreasing patient and employee injuries.鈥

Sunstar Paramedics鈥 dispatch is a state-of-the-art facility shared with the regional 911 center.

鈥淎ll our dispatchers come from one centralized location and are trained and certified to dispatch,鈥 said White. 鈥淭hey have to be EMTs or paramedics, so they know what it鈥檚 like to be out in the field. They鈥檙e very helpful with our crews and make sure they get the information they need.鈥

also offers to its EMTs and paramedics, paying for EMTs to go through medic school. There also are numerous opportunities for promotion as far as field training officers and preceptors.

鈥淲e don鈥檛 do a lot of outside hiring for our leadership, so that means there are always opportunities to get professional development as well as promotion at Sunstar,鈥 White said.

Karly Briscoe-Vega started her EMS career more than five years ago working for a private ambulance company in Louisiana and eventually landed at Sunstar. She says her experience has been 鈥渘othing less than exciting, motivating and pleasant. Some companies seem to operate better than others, and this is true when it comes to this company. I have had nothing but positive experiences working alongside coworkers, supervisors and supporting agencies.鈥

Briscoe-Vega says since starting at Sunstar Paramedics, she has been encouraged to push and challenge herself and has since become part of the critical care team as a critical care paramedic alternate. She was also recently promoted to assistant supervisor.

鈥淭here鈥檚 also a Special Operations Response Team that gets opportunities to work large-scale events and disasters,鈥 she added. 鈥淭he Pinellas County system may be busy, but I genuinely enjoy working here. I have amazing coworkers. I get to work and live on the beach and enjoy good food. If someone is looking for something exciting, new and with room for advancement, Sunstar may very well be the answer.鈥

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Carol Brzozowski is an award-winning freelance journalist and former daily newspaper reporter in South Florida. Her work has been published in more than 200 media outlets.